The day after I got the key the neighbour from behind came to find me (the one that has the field with the geese and sheep), complaining about a missing fence which the previous owner’s tenants had removed, she’s was worried about her geese getting out on to the road via my garden and being attacked by passing dogs. She also told me she has no intention of selling (having already refused many offers), when she dies it will go into a trust with a 50 year no development rule on it. Now, that’s worth a fence! I told her I’d sort something 🙂
I reckon I can make a picket fence from pallets with little trouble and barely any expense – someone even made a youtube video on how to do it.
But first I needed to get some pallets, so one lunchtime, I went for a drive around the industrial estate near work looking for pallets, I didn’t find any but I got a number for someone who had some to give away and was told to come help myself. I went down after work but most of the pallets were huge (8×4) and there was no way I could even lift them, nevermind fit them in my car, even the medium sized pallets were too big for a Yaris. It was also pitch dark and pouring with rain. Eventually I managed to grab a dinky one and something which could be used as a stake.
My friend Paul (from uni) visited the following weekend in his 1964 VW splitty, so after he got off the boat I took him straight to the industrial estate to collect some wood (nothing like showing him the sights) – the 8x4s were too big with the camper furniture in-situ so we just got a stack of the medium pallets. They are currently piled up in my outbuilding waiting for the weather to improve.
Oh and on a fencing related note there was a set of foils in the loft but that’s the next post.
Anyway – the fence saga is to be continued…..